Pay Per Click Advertising

website service

Pay Per Click advertising is a way to quickly boost traffic to your website and generate leads.  Madison Studios teams with their customers to provide ongoing management and good ROI for all budgets.  Here’s the process we use to make sure our customers get the results they expect:

Keyword Research

Develop keyword lists and prioritize based on competitive research
Ad CreationWrite unique ads with a strong headline and important facts
Landing Page CreationMake sure keywords, ad content and landing pages all contain related, relevant information
Account SetupInput company info, ad groups, budgets, keyword bid amounts, ad extensions, etc. in Google/Bing and submit for approval
Campaign LaunchTurn on advertising campaigns and make changes to achieve performance expectations
Monitor and AdjustContinue to review and refine ads and keywords
Analysis and FeedbackReport results with ongoing recommendations

Madison Studios creates Pay Per Click ad campaigns that make your business stand out from your competitors online.

Art Imitating Life…

mobile friendly websites

“Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.” – Bill Bernbach

Do you want to attract immediate traffic to your site?

Original Art by Chris Cook